Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Adventure Mine in January '13

Kat and Kate at Adventure Mine in the winter
In the deep of last winter, Kat and I took to the Adventure Mine trails outside of Greenland, MI.This mine operated from 1850 to 1920 and is one of the best preserved mines of its age. It was opened on existing prehistoric excavations on Adventure Bluff, with the prehistoric workings dating back to about 5,000 years.
The copper that was mined from this site was only in pure native metallic form; common masses weighing up to several tons.
The trails were untouched with soft fallen snow.
I lost my camera, double backed time and again, and eventually found it...thanks to my faithful friend.

White Wind Kennels

Just beyond the red pines, you'll find White Wind Kennels; so named for the primarily white dogs who have been part of my life for the past 12+ years. Some of my best pals are growing old now, some have left the yard, some have left my life, but all have left an imprint that will never cease, never shallow. I revel at all they have taught me and the honesty and integrity with which they have lived their lives. I should be so forthright, sincere and abiding.