Sunday, August 30, 2009

I bought a dress

Coba is the place to go if you're in the market for a hand-sewn Mayan dress. I went there and this woman sold me a dress. I labored over my decision - I so wanted the one with the salmon and pinkish-orange flowers. Try as I might to make it fit - she was sure it would never and had me enter her home to try it on to prove it to me. She knew her sizes all right and in the end sold a dress with multicolored flowers that I like very much - but haven't developed the love affair I had quickly formed with the one that had the salmon/pinkish-orange flowers.I would have to say that her mother was a very happy lady who spent countless hours on her machine. She laughed out loud at the antics of her grandchildren as they gathered around my camera. There is such beauty in simplicity.This little tart was the feisty sister - she giggled and grabbed and held on tight to me in an effort to have another picture taken - especially one of her doing something silly - like putting a piece of candy in her mouth and having it caught on camera. She was very pleased with herself and may have a future in pictures - but most probably will sit at the same sewing machine as her mother and grandmother to sew beautiful dresses, blouses and bags for her Mayan sisters and customers.

1 comment:

  1. I love your pictures. You've really captured the spirit of the place and it feels documentary. I'm so glad you have a blog, and the name is perfect!
